Meaning Behind The Promise

Hello everybody! Welcome to or back to Guiding at Home. In today's Looking at GirlGuiding I wanted to explore the meaning behind the Guiding Promise. Many of us have made our promise over the years and committed to GirlGuiding. But what does it actually mean? I'm going to go through and break up the lines so you can understand it better and maybe abide by it with more clarity.

'I promise that I will do my best'
In GirlGuiding you aren't expected to be perfect and flawless so we don't want you to promise that. By promising to do your best means you will try even when you are faced with a challenge. You want to be the best version of yourself and we want that to. This part of the promise allows you to try new things and develop skills.

'To be true to myself'
You are amazing and we want to see you being you at Guides. You are promising to be comfortable with yourself and enjoy the things you want. You stand up for your passions and sometimes have to realise your friends might not stand with you because they are being true to themselves as well. You are promising to show the world your unique self.

'And develop my beliefs'
Within Guiding you will find many different beliefs, some follow specific religions, others don't and some might have there own set of beliefs. You are promising to develop what your personal beliefs. You might do this Spiritually by reflecting on your life, your decisions and your place in this world. Leaders promise to help you in this. By developing your beliefs you are also promising to respect the beliefs of others and learn theirs as well. By seeing how one person views the world might help you develop your own views.

'To serve the Queen and my Community'
In the promise the Queen represents our country, who is also the patron of GirlGuiding. You are promising to protect our world, the people and animals who reside in it. You are ready to help your community in anyway possible to make it a better place for everyone. Serving others is a priority in GirlGuiding, this quote by Helen Keller shows how important working together in GirlGuiding is: "Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much".

'To help other people'
You are promising to help your family, friends, neighbour, stranger e.t.c. Lending a hand is important, it makes the world a better place. You also show respect and love to everybody, this also means speaking out for people who can't or helping amplify their voice. You are promising your voice to the world and the people that need it.

'And to keep the Guide Law'
Lastly you are promising to follow the Guide Law as well.

I'm not going to go into the Guide Law in this blog but if you want me to in another blog please comment below because I would be happy to do so. 

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about our promise and can start actively following it.

Thank you for reading and make sure you keep safe and keep on Guiding! 


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