Sewing On Badges

Hello everybody! Welcome to or back to Guiding at Home. As a Guide I'm sure that you have earnt badges along the way but you never know what to do with them. You consider putting them on your blanket or uniform but you never have time or don't know how. Well now that we are in quarantine we have loads of time to spare so why not pick up a new skill of sewing and sew that pile of badges on?

As I have mentioned the most common places to sew on badges are on a blanket or your uniform. If you aren't aware sewing badges on blankets is quite a common occurrence in Guiding because we like to have a place to display our badges and when we go on camp or gather around a campfire it's nice to have our blankets that show our achievements. They are also fun conversation starters, you can talk about the stories behind the badges and which ones are your favourite. You can use any blanket or you can get one on the Girlguiding shop. Sewing your badges on your uniform is also common and jazzes up your uniform. I have badges on both now, I have all my old badges from Brownies and my time at Guides on my blanket and then my Ranger badges on my Ranger jumper.

Once you have decided where to put you badges it's time to sew them on. There are quite a few methods to do this. You could do a runner around the perimeter of the badge, you could do an over stitch around the edge or you could do a back stitch. You just have to decide. I like to use a back stitch around the edge, it does take longer then some but it secures the badge quite well. If I try to describe how to do each stitch we will be here a while so I'm going to link some videos that will teach you some stitches.

How to do a running stitch :

I hope you find these video's helpful in sewing on your badges. I'm not an expert in sewing on badges but if you have any questions or tips for other please leave them in the comments. This post was more suppose to encourage you to take action with a few hints on how to get started. I would love to hear how you got on and where you sewed on your badges.

Thank you for reading and make sure you keep safe and keep on Guiding! Also check out my Pinterest that I have made for this blog :


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